My life is my kids. The most important job I will ever have. I dedicate this blog to my boys, they get me through life and help me to be a better person.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Baking and Gingerbread houses

"domestic goddess"

Some may be surprised that with all the talent I possess, I cannot cook or bake. Luckily for my boys, there soon to be step-father is a wonderful cook and loves to bake. Steveo has taken an interest in this. He is always asking me to whip up some tofu and rice like Tom does, or make a chicken-rice-cheese quesidilla the way Tom does. So when this happens and Tom is not here, we make do with Del Taco or microwaved Chicken Nuggets. Now baking is, WAY OUT OF MY LEAGUE. There was nothing I could offer Steveo to satisfy his baking interest. So yesterday, after making the club house, Steveo and Tom baked there little hearts out. They baked the yummiest cookies, I helped him make a gingerbread house that we gave to grandma as a gift. And Steveo (and I think Tom) learned lessons in patience. Steveo wanted the cookies NOW, and Tom had to patiently explain (over and over) that baking takes time. So while the boys were baking, I took some photos. Precious.
Other than cooking, I AM a domestic goddess, just had to throw that out there!!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
December 18th 2009
8 years ago, I gave birth to Steveo. I cried, Sean cried, my mom cried. It was one of the best days of my life. The joy that he brings me is infinite. He amazes me daily with his wit and sarcasm. He has my dark sense of humor, his brothers fearlessness, and I'd like to believe he learned sarcasm from the king (Tom) He is truly an old soul.
Happy Birthday Steveo, mommy loves you more than you know.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I dont mean to brag, but...

This IS the 3rd year in a row that Steveo got student of the month!!!!!! He chose Panda Express for dinner. I told him how proud I am of him, I hope he stays motivated. I had his parent teacher conference today, and he is in the highest reading and Math group. She wants to test him for G.A.T.E classes. I forgot what the gate stands for, but I know its for the very smart, and in Steveos case, extremely gifted, artistic, creative, funny, and just plain sweet kids in his school.
So Congratulations Steveo, I hope you read this one day, and remember how much I love, adore, and cherish you. I am a proud mom, honored to be able to call him and Nick my sons. Not a day goes by that Im not grateful for having healthy, happy boys.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Mans best friend

So Steveo decided that Jaxson needed to have a last name. And since Nick and I are "Anderson's" then Jaxson MUST be a "Kelley" I pointed out that his father brought Charlie home and insisted he was HIS dog. That lasted maybe 5 minutes, and after the divorce and move, Charlie became MY dog. But I always did consider him a Kelley, so now Steveo doesnt feel so out numbered, and we are enjoying our time with the new addition to the family of Canales's, Anderson's, Kelley's, and Murlless's.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Well, At least one of them likes to read...
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The moon is being bombed
Really? Okay, so Nick is excited and wants to go to school at 4:20 a.m. and watch. Okay, Nick, I hope you will be grateful, because I really dont like getting up that early, but if its school related, educational, or he's really passionate about something, I have no choice but to support him. So tomorrow, I will wake up at 3:50 and we will watch the "moon being bombed" together along with the telescopes the science teachers are providing for us.
Good Times.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
This scares me

Yeah he's only 13, but his latest thing is starting the car. Thank god its a stick shift, or I would have to hide my keys. He has his heart set on a Mustang. I have my heart set on something big and durable, like a Van, or a Hummer. I cant afford a Hummer, and tanks arent street legal, so I guess that leaves the Van as a safe suitable option.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Finally a day with the teenager

We went with Tom and his dad to Camp Pendleton for a marine reunion. I was super excited when Nick agreed, and actually seemed to look forward to coming with us. Tom and I spend a lot of one on one time with Steveo, but we havent done something with just Nick since the Day Of The Dead at the Hollywood Cemetery.
We got the grand tour, and Nick seemed to really enjoy seeing all of the tanks and helicopters. It felt good to reconnect with Nick. Im not sure if its the age, but lately, Nick seems interested only in video games, more specifically, Halo. He doesnt like to leave his room unless he really has to. More than anything, I dont want our relationship to ever feel strained, or stressful. I love both my kids more than words can describe, but Nick and I grew up together. He taught me to be strong when I wanted nothing more than to stay in bed and wallow when his father died. He understands me and I understand him. He teaches me so much everyday. Each day I spend time with him, I am more and more amazed at how intelligent and articulate he has become. I hope one day he realizes how proud I am to be his mother. He made our day so much better.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Why I think my son is so awesome

He comes up with his own ideas and creates the cutest pieces of art. He proudly displays them throughout the house.

He listens to cool music while he creates his art. He says the music helps to inspire him better than the t.v does.

Because he decorates his room himself with all his artwork. Notice the prayer flags hanging by a clothesline. He just made those... Im such a proud mama of my little creative/punk rock/energetic/irish/artist/buddhist in progress. He's so adorable and just delicious.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Huntington Gardens with the boys, well minus Nick
So Nick once again is in teenage mode (he's to cool to hang out with us) and we went to Huntington Gardens without him. It was so beautiful. It is a perfect place to just lay on the grass and read a book. Note to self, next time go alone. Anyway, I would love to go back. Steveo wants Tom and I to get married there. I just like that there is so much to look at and no matter which area you are at its just amazing scenery.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Kids Birthday Parties
Monday, August 10, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
1st time ever

First time me and my parents along with the kids all got together and went somewhere.
First time ever on the Midway ship in San Diego.
First time since Sam died that my father bonded or actually enjoyed the company of my boyfriend.
First time in San Diego with sunny skies, and no sunburns.
Sunday was cool until Steveo got overtired and had a few meltdowns, other than that, it was nice to be with family, and it was nice to see my parents happy.
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