Soccer went well, even though I think there are way to many kids at one time, this time he got to kick the ball to his partner for 45 minutes. Nick stayed at Zack's house, I took gram with us to watch and cheer Steve-o on and then dropped her off, picked up Nick from Zacks, drove thru Del Taco, and now I need to study. I feel like there are not enough hours in a day for me to accomplish all I need to. I wish I read to Steveo more. I wish I wasnt so exhausted. My diet of green tea, mocha frappacinos, liquid Vitamin D, and other energy drinks still dont do it for me. Another nurse friend of mine came up with a great idea for a Vitamin B patch. It would constantly release Vit B all day long. Now if we could figure out a way to make it, we would be rich, it would be the new "Mothers little helper"