Monday, August 10, 2009

Rey Mysterio

I'll be honest. I cant tell the difference between the two. Its as if Im living with Rey Mysterio.


  1. No! No! No! Say it aint so!!!! Just say no the the Mysterio!

  2. 6--1--9 BOO- YA-KUH BOO-YA-KUH !!!!!
    (actually I dont know what he's saying, it just sounds like that)

  3. Steph please tell me you have a video camera, and if not I'm loaning you mine for a while cuz it's the stuff like this you need to capture on film.

  4. I really should, he thinks he looks just like him. I joke and say oh no its Rey Mysterio, what have you done with my Steveo, and he laughs and takes off the mask and says duh mom, its me.
